Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why people migrate - where then can one flee?

There are several reasons why most people migrate. They feel neglected in their own country. Their voice is not heard. They want to escape a regime which does not give freedom to people, and their people more particularly. They are of a caste or community which is a deprived race. They feel they are under threat, fear of death, and a desire to give their families a better chance in life in a foreign country. The attached are taken from youtube and it is fortunate that there is an access to the media overseas via this blessed facility, otherwise no news at all. And in foreign blogs and websites is where the truth ultimately lies, and does not lie.,or or or I am not pro any race, but I am pro Sri Lanka! I am also not pro any religion, except those which give a human, the fundamental rights to choice and freedom on expression, to both male and female. Sadly then, there is none!

Another reason why people want to migrate is because the political scenario is questionable. If you are in power and in Government, you have not "got there" because of popularity, but through a fix in the voting polls. To be in power in a third world country requires thuggery, brutality, a total ignorance of the rights of people and power is used to wield a hand  which controls by force. There is no compromise. I have already written about the Courts of Justice in Sri Lanka.  A CJ ousted by a government, but still in office. If the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary are one, there is no democracy in the country.

There are newspapers in Sri Lanka which are controlled by the Government, so there is no freedom of speech. Hegemony then ensues.

Definition of HEGEMONY

: preponderant influence or authority over others :domination <battled for hegemony in Asia>
: the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group
It is a known fact that the richer you are the more likely you are to be able to survive in a 3rd world country. However, there are those who are born into rich families, like I am, but have had a pretty hard time surviving against the richer who are unscrupulous and unethical because the social system deprives you of your rights. You can then have the support of the "Authorities" who give credence to you because of your wealth, and the atrocities that follow because your money causes corruption. The recipient of this, is forced to migrate.  There are generations of politicians from father to son, and no matter whether you qualify or not, the reactions cater to the hoi polloi, so you learn from the rabble, not from the statesman either, because no example is set by the latter except for corruption and revenge.

You may add greed for oil as being another reason, and there would be a myriad of reasons given by the ruling faction, through which you have to choose the most appropriate for your method of thinking. and under this threat, many Arabs, the Sunni, left their country and fled to others.

You may find that the biggest offenders are those who voice "Religious beliefs", which is no reason at all because the warping of a religion goes against its principle of peace and equity, none of which are practiced by those who denigrate one for the benefit of another or a discipline where one is subjugated for the male in society;  "religion has been used in most Muslim countries not to liberate but to entrench inequality."
Read more:,8599,185647,00.html#ixzz2UfieD2Np, or,,8599,185647,00.html 

Sadly, even the foundations of Christianity therefore lie in the same subjugation and nowhere in the Bible is a description given to a female leader who brought about a change in religion, though there are several women who did bring about world change and beliefs.You find instead Religious leaders who condemn even the women as pastors! You get jokes about women bringing down politically powerful men, You get Agora who redefined the world as flat and was instead branded a witch because of christian beliefs. but not one woman is given precedence in the bible for having brought about a revolution in thinking about the Bible itself.

There are the Arabs who are fighting for their rights to break away from the barbaric and ritualistic leaders who have modified the Q'ran for their end gains, who read the book and not between the lines, where do they flee? They are already kept in custody and there is no intervention from outside. If the outsiders use interference,  then there may be some success, otherwise, they are doomed to death.

And how can one then just disappear? Where then can one Flee?

Definition of HOI POLLOI

: the general populace : masses

Examples of HOI POLLOI

  1. <I pay no attention to the opinions of the hoi polloi, the writer sniffed>

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