Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cure Music Piracy and the cheats who outwit the system

There is a method whereby piracy of music can be controlled to some extent. The solutions are given two pictures down. Organisations with too many numbers can still maintain control of their applicants by a simple method of a $ verification system, however they will not take action because they go by the numbers and not the veracity of the artist. They an also identify the type of artist and the genre that they play, but that again means a little work extra besides just collecting the fees and promos, offers, coupon discounts which are dishonored by policy and regulation denials. The cheats who outwit the system are included here and the methods by which they cheat "trusting" systems.

Fortunately not Sound Cloud. Their policies are quite direct and given in their help screen which states that no DJ can take extracts from material, no bots, no shots, no quotes, no credits to others without the expressed permission of the original owner. Now if this policy is followed by the organisations which permit uploads, we would hopefully have a clean and miraculously musical world. Ashamed to say, we haven't.

Before I go any further, I would like to add that there is no personal interest here. I was advised by a good buddy who first put me on to what was going on that I was "in the wrong place, the wrong time, the wrong era, the wrong country and that I was having a losing battle because Reverbnation was not interested in their artists, but only interested in numbers. Now 3.1 million.  An astrological reading, which you cannot fix, cut or paste is enclosed herein :)

Curing the problem 

Curing the copycats, thieves, many personalities and fake profiles is to introduce a $1 verification system. Most thieves benefit from the fact that they pay nothing and can sell it even for 5 cents and make a profit. In this case 0.99 cents. I have asked Reverbnation to introduce a $1 verification system payable by Credit card which prevents for instance the same person creating bots (found out today from a gal whose duty is to create 30 bots for an advertising company on various webs which offer free uploads and maintain them with false posts), under different genres and different categories and under different names. This was the system that I introduced to an Embassy and it was full proof and fool proof. It detected the passport number and the national identities of the individuals. With the $1 veritication system, it would detect the credit card number. True the thief can get his friends to pay the $1, but he won't be able to get several credit cards under his name, and secondly, when it comes to money, people are traditionally very "reticent" even friends. Yes, some countries would have a problem, like I would, since my country is not a registered country. Paypal can pay out to others, but cannot pay me.    

Getting all the DJ's to come under the category of DJ and not in any other category.  Easy to find,
1) they are solo artists, or even with two or three others who are part of the pack
2) never had a band and only feature their music or others, only sounds and beats.
3) without voices or singing,
4) Generally "Dance musicians" can entertain you with the Tango, Waltz, Cha Cha, Rock & Roll, soft rock, chill, sway, Fox Trot, Big Band, Blues, Samba (and there are kings of samba) and these cannot be plagiarized unlike the sounds and beats of today! and that is why DJ's are DJ's. 
5) Even on genre, there are 43 genres including, Techno, Electronica, DJ, Solo instrumentalist, (I started off as a band of 4 with 3 singers, 2 guitarists and a piano player (myself)), Funk, Hip Hop, Metal and Other. Why not other? Why choose "Dance" when their music is only one kind of music and they do not like DJ because the competition is higher? Because there are so many of them? Because they cannot get a rank in their own category or genre?
6) Easily found more so because they presently feature as "Dance"  and their music can be played and detected for their type!

As an aside, I will have to change my name on my page on face book, presently TABA.your.DJ.for.Dance because I do play a variety of dance music and I will play music for all ages to dance to. :) Find this hilarious!
Why I am targeting the "Dance" Genre is because I make dance music.  

DJ's are a breed of their own, they are not artists. The good DJ's are those who play on radio's and who do not make their own music. The DJ's who mix and master are not musicians, they are experts in technology, they also take tracks from the other artists, put a merge here, a fix there and the song is not identifiable from the original and then give it to another artist. It appears that even Beyonce has got her music from a remaster of Mr. Mig.  Interesting because most companies want you to play "your originals" and you have to click on "Do you have the rights permission to this song?" So what's a click to the shameless? 

Now all these DJ's feature as Dance, not happy with their own category of DJ, because the numbers are too many, they grab the genuine Dance musicians of their place in rank, and one does not know whether they would also grab anything else from another musician. His food? His ability to support his family with his income from his music? His creativity, his genius, his being on the road several hours in road shows, in breaking nights while entertaining the public, and the DJ"s sit in their studio's without any effort, making music in their studio's and benefiting from the talents of others. Sad! Solo instrumentalists do too, but then they never get shows, or gigs, or fame, and I may be the rare "band" gone Solo who do not play definitely parts and pieces of someone else's music, though they may play the great masters like Beethoven, Vivaldi, Mozart and excerpts from the latter, no copyright issues because they were teachers too!

I create my own music, not robbed from anyone else (at least all of which is on  Reverbnation/taba) and deleted the only song which I had given credit for to the original owners, Nina & Frederick which had 520 plays because I did not know the difference until I read sound cloud's policy which regard to even giving credit to the artist. Nina & Frederick were my hero's of the 60's  and because of them I learned how to play the guitar. You tube is happy with the credits given to the original owners because they do not have sales of any of their material on their page. So it has to be a share if nothing else! 

Checked the web about DJ's and most of them say that they make tracks blend them and play them for the mood of the audience, and they "Create" their own music from these mixed tracks, but the writers on the web do not mention where the source of the mixed tracks originate, which is why a DJ is not an artist nor a musician, but a master reproducer. Their domain is in a night club or in a bar, with the lights and gizmo that goes with the haunt. Well we know Mr. Mig mastered Beyonces music

Another DJ Dean Fuel has Metcalfe on his page but his music is put with sexy women on youtube and has quite a following.

Sadly, I am a Western Musician who plays and creates my own originals. Taba is akin to an African  Tribal band playing Beethoven in Africa, not liked by his own race, and not known internationally. With Reverbnation, the latter is fixed, in that they play my music, and they are one of the open frontier organisations that does feature artists, but unlike Sound cloud does not have the skills to monitor the numbers or to find out who they are or whether they are fake or genuine. They give you a slot free, but then you have to pay to go up in rank. See the last page, no longer worthwhile really!

For example, these DJ's, featured themselves several times over on Reverbnation. Sam Patterson is featured 3 times, Andy Katana had made himself a minimum of 5 pages under different names, Another chap had created 3 identities and was also trending with the songs of other international singers. With just these 3 people, 11 places are robbed from the genuine musician. True they share, but what of the rightful place for the person who creates his own music? 

This DJ Dimuthu Bases himself in 5 different places on the Web, features himself even in Botswana, and plays the music of LMFAO,and Pit bull. Hip hop & Trance artists featuring themselves as Dance. The 2nd under me at that stage was a guy called Brad Fireborn. A fictitious character created by Randy Katana who had 7 profiles on Reverbnation. 

DJ's use "hype" i.e. they use the music of other artists who have featured and gained from 350,000 votes on youtube to more than 1 million which is guaranteed a best seller and has a "popular taste". They may start their page with the music of an international artist to "Draw the crowd" Hype | Define Hype at to stimulate, excite, or agitate (usually followed by up ): She was hyped up at the thought of owning her own car. 2. to create interest in by flamboyant or dramatic ... then put their own songs. With a smattering of other artists of international repute as well. 

Trending Dance musicians all genres in Sri Lanka. Chamitha Cooray trends with Adele's "Rolling in the deep"and if not sufficient, he also features the cover from "The Titanic" and Broken Angel. 
The original artist of Broken Angel

Another method of cheating the system is to sing a song in a different language which of course, Reverbnation as an American company does not know. You need time to listen to music. But what if there is a blatant name directing you to the person they have robbed the song from? And at age 61, with a father (Vet) who played the Saxophone and a mother (Nurse) the piano, we were inundated with music from America and other foreign countries, so on the whole I can identify whether the music is robbed or not and of course, knowing music otherwise you would not know the difference! And the inherited scant respect for the cheats by being brought up by British Nuns (Alliteration) :) Energy uses the song "That's the way I like it" by KC and the sunshine band. And Sadly, under the search on youtube, you also get a remix of the song. Yelba plays the Eagles and Sting and sells her Spanish version of the song, even though she has a beautiful voice, but then, not her song! Jacquescoley's club was/is number 18 on the dance charts, he sings Yvonne Elimann's song. 

It is a pity that even the "spoken word" has the music of someone else as a background. but I did mention to Youtube that since they were a sharing and caring company, it would be ridiculous to even consider plagiarism on their web, because the music at a wedding would include the music of other artists played by the local musicians but since it is only for entertainment and not for sale, and also within the country, no piracy occurs. 

The theft of music occurs when the users of others music attempt to sell their music via a change of language or even the spoken word using the music of someone else as a salable item on an international scale. Thus international organisations must have a team who investigates the uploads and finds out whether the song is anything like what anyone knows. The group would comprise those aged 70 to 7 :). Maybe 80's if they are alive and, as an after thought, with a British and American background :)

The music that is not monitored on the international organisations that help Artists, and this I hate, because they ARE helping people to promote not only their music but their exposure is to an international scene, is likely the music of the dead artists and in another country.  Sri Sara radio plays the music of Metalingus and the www.edge theme. Yes, he is a fan of the artist and the song, but he has no right to "credit" the gent as coming from sri Lanka and is ranking #1 with the song. Just one song, effortlessly. Living off the glory of another artist. Ugh!  

Now if Reverbnation does not have the time to monitor its 3.1 million "Artists", then it is up to the musicians to protect their own back and check their genre and music. For example, Jim Wilson in America is not the same Jim Wilson in Whoop whoop, and plays a different genre of music and style of music. 

How displacement works, on the global rank,  and probably your own blog in your own country, in your own home town, where the happiness you may have had can be tarnished when you find that what you said yesterday, has  altered drastically within a couple of hours not because you lied, but because your genre has been robbed by another usurper. No, not me, just an example. I am very low profile in my own country, our Radios night clubs, discotheques, all play the music of every other international artist and not a single local artist who plays or creates western music. They play the music of the locals who are Sinhalese 75% ethnic population and the Tamil radio's feature the Indian artists and Hindu Songs also from India. 

What I was on the global rank before all these Music masters took over with just one brand of music and none other which may also explain why you no longer rank high in your genre either. The chap below features himself as a Jazz musician, but he is actually what he says he is. A good voice, and a song that I recognise. Let it come to me Most of these "Finds" were found by being given evidence of the facts. Nobody likes a whistle blower, but then if the blower brings blessings to bona fide's then the blower is blessed. I am weird, yes, I do compose my own music. There are some brilliant composers in Sri Lanka, but they probably will not join the artists because they would not like their music stolen. That is what comes of putting your music on the web, but then why take it to the grave?  On the other hand, why provide pristine paradigms to the plagiarists and profiteers? 

Managed to get into the top ten, which is nice, now the 30th and dropping rapidly with the number increase and the technicians taking the place of true musicians, but I agree with my friend, you are just a musician who is able to manage without music as your income, what of the others I say? 
And finally the ultimate shame when a country is banned because there are thieves in the music industry. 

or fake companies who are trying to get artists to join them at $9.95 to register on a tour

Or, Technorati who features Justin Beiber and Daft Punk but ranks 1 on the global charts for dance and remixes Justin Timberlake.

December comes up, and with it the bundle and renewals and payments to be made to Reverbnation, so I may not be around because I cannot really pay for my place on their ranks :) Good luck to all of you. 61 years old, I think I have done my bit, mostly a teacher, is what I am, and I think of the future of the children of our world, why not make it a cleaner one for those who are "musicians", I would think people who express themselves through music ought to be cleaner than the Government per se!

The song that made me, or so I thought, very unpopular  because my rank in the charts was dropping like ticks off a dead dog, but it was not caused by the song, it was actually caused by the increase in numbers and the DJ's who were all featuring themselves as "Dance" artists. I did say the GOOD DJ's. Rare but still alive! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The "western musician" in a foreign country

A musician, sadly, who is of western origin, and who plays western music, who was and is inculcated from birth in western traditions and is a solo instrumentalist is a lost soul in another country.  A migrant musician can only become successful in a foreign country because their own race has lost its own individuality and sports the flags of other countries while forgetting its own, i.e. in the music Industry in Sri lanka where the music of countries such as the USA or the British is featured more often than the music of the local, but Western Musician whose origins, though born in Sri Lanka, are from the west. The musical creations of the breed of Sri Lankan musician from the west in Sri Lanka  is ignored if they are not Sinhalese songs. Our Jazz musicians go to India and to Tokyo to get featured internationally. The Sinhalese have several radio pages for their music, which is to be expected because since 1969, despite whatever anyone says, the community is given preference. The Indian singers are featured on our Tamil radio's and hopefully some of  our artists who sing Tamil songs too! The movies are those of Sinhalese origin, and the Hindi films from India are very popular. There is no youtube feature which says "Sri Lankans make history in music", but then we have made history in Cricket. And by the blessings of the universe, I made the top 10, and broke the top 40 and I do not even know which song broke the top 40. Ignorance being bliss. If I played one kind of music, then I would know its one of the lot, here, since I play a mixed genre and ad lib on music, I would not know which one it is! And I am not a trained musician. I play because I love music and I am not a commercial musician. I get zilch of an income from music. What feeds my face is my English and a study of the subject to find out how it works, thus able to teach how it should be learned. That's the logical mind. Music for me is totally illogical, it is just "sound for the soul".  An interesting web site on music which teaches you the discordant chords which are perfectly acceptable and of course I cannot find the link now. :(  I must say, I did not know that I played those chords without knowing about them :) Jazz in other words!

If the owners of radio stations and the cinema feature their choice as against the wants and needs of the public (however weighted in favour of the foreign as against local), there is no democracy in the music industry. It is a business. This is ridiculous! The words of Shakespeare who says "If music is the food of love play on!" now makes one realize that music is no longer the food of love, but food!

With music, our radios, night clubs, bars, theaters and cinemas, play the music of the 60's,70's and Retro or Sinhala music. Hip Hop and Rap, understandably is not permitted in the Radio channels in Sri Lanka because they use invective and foul language. A solo instrumentalist is therefore a lost soul in a world of the "oldies" as instructed by their Channel owners.  A Western oriented Musician though a creator of "Original" music, though the genre may be that which already exists, and there are many, is dependent upon the west and the fans. God bless them! We do not know who they are, we do not know where they are. We do not know them individually, but we get their help and support, and backing and it is without any financial gain or payment. It is their loyalty and their dedication, their interest and support that brings us to a peak, or keeps us where we are in the lower rungs of the music "business". It is an odd exercise in character that the local radio stations, the pubs, bars and halls, to play the music of western artists who do not even know that we exist, while ignoring the artists who perform good music and they are only heard internationally, never in Sri Lanka, and this though the musicians play music which is of a caliber and genre which is  played by them, but from a foreign artist. 

A tribute to Lester James Peiris movies, though black and white were quality, featured a classic of the time, incorporated the ideology of the period, and were excellent in conveying a message. The new movies of Sri Lanka are without quality or truth, are based on the fictional writings of a director who merely wants to entertain, and is often trite, without quality, rotten actors and a sob story about love and deception, or a farce comedy, Money counts in Sri lanka and Money counts in the music industry. The richer you are the more likely you are to sell your music. There are generations of musicians from father to son, and no matter whether the music is quality or not, it is sold and caters to the hoi polloi, so you learn from the rabble, not from the statesman.

Definition of HOI POLLOI

: the general populace : masses

Examples of HOI POLLOI

  1. <I pay no attention to the opinions of the hoi polloi, the writer sniffed> 
It is fortunate that my category of music is dance. If I was among the Hip Hop Artists, or any other, I would not even appear on the dance charts for Sri Lanka. I am a dual citizen of Australia. I could then classify myself as an Australian and compete with the million other artists in Australia who have the money to promote their music, but by being in Sri Lanka and posting music from here, my chances are better than in Australia, where the numbers are also greater.  It goes against my grain to do so. I am a Sri Lankan by birth. I feel I should be able to gain popularity for my music which is original and is listenable in my own country. However, giving due credence to the need for "sung songs", as against an instrumental, if they can feature Burt Bacharach, then they can feature me, but the difference, and I do recognize the difference, the former was a band leader with a multitude of instruments at his "beck and call", and I am a synthesizer player with a multitude of instruments in sounds at the "touch of a finger" subtle difference, but noticeable! But then, back to money, if I could afford a band or inspire others to play with me, then I become a band, and not a "one man show!" My problem is that the music is in my head, I cannot write theory, would not have a clue about beats and its representation. So, I cannot get a band to play along with me, unless they play by ear! Then, everything becomes a "Jam" session! 

I am a creative person! I like to create and envision and dream, and mull over something new and intriguing, and something innovative, something that other people would not dream about, and most often I find that there is material thrown in my face, so to speak and I am supposed to create with it. That's my quartz cottage in the hills of my country, where I was blessed with 17 perches of solid rock of the wrong variety. is how some people look at a material which does not bond with anything, and has never been used before for buildings. The Architects avert their eyes, and the workmen weep!  And I meet astronomical bills in having to cut and haul the material to my first layer or the second layer, because it is all within the site that I bought unseen 10 years ago. A fiasco on getting things put together with an architect who is a cheat, and workmen who take advantage of my being in Colombo while the site is 3.5 hours away from Colombo, but all overcome with the blessings of God and the help of Saint Joseph, the dad of Jesus, who takes care of things in my absence! And Jesus of course who policies I practice and who brings me good luck. Phenomenal luck as some would say, but I say it is all prayer and belief that you can do anything, as long as you have the mindset to succeed. There are many who are critical, many who would denigrate, many who would say "you are mad!", but its all a matter of opinion. Those who do, are those who would go with the lame or the tame and would not accept a challenge if it is thrown in their path! I see every negative as an opportunity to rectify it. 

We have so many million people in Sri lanka who listen and play music which is of Western origin, and includes categories of hip hop, rap, alternative, inde, world but they do not play the music of a western oriented musician. The pictures below show my recognition by reverbnation for my success in their 2.91 million artists, and it is thanks to international coverage,and the foreign fans, otherwise I would not be seen or heard. is where my music is. 

My next creative venture, if it ever happens, is to create a magazine which tells all readers about the musician and in a foreign world. Chicago music magazines, feature the musicians in the Chicago area. The UK magazines feature those who are a particular area and specifically in the UK. Australia is ditto on that too. The musician who is in Africa may feature in the "African tribal magazine" if he plays Zulu music for example, but is lost if he plays a modified version of Beethoven.  True a musician from woop cannot perform in wop, but then music is international, and there must be a voice to feature other artists who are not known on recognized in another country.  Take our "entertainment pages" in the "local news", they feature foreign artists, not a local artist who is resident in Sri Lanka but making foreign songs. Unless such a bias is taken away from the Music industry, the musician will have to remain a "locale". 


Why people migrate - where then can one flee?

There are several reasons why most people migrate. They feel neglected in their own country. Their voice is not heard. They want to escape a regime which does not give freedom to people, and their people more particularly. They are of a caste or community which is a deprived race. They feel they are under threat, fear of death, and a desire to give their families a better chance in life in a foreign country. The attached are taken from youtube and it is fortunate that there is an access to the media overseas via this blessed facility, otherwise no news at all. And in foreign blogs and websites is where the truth ultimately lies, and does not lie.,or or or I am not pro any race, but I am pro Sri Lanka! I am also not pro any religion, except those which give a human, the fundamental rights to choice and freedom on expression, to both male and female. Sadly then, there is none!

Another reason why people want to migrate is because the political scenario is questionable. If you are in power and in Government, you have not "got there" because of popularity, but through a fix in the voting polls. To be in power in a third world country requires thuggery, brutality, a total ignorance of the rights of people and power is used to wield a hand  which controls by force. There is no compromise. I have already written about the Courts of Justice in Sri Lanka.  A CJ ousted by a government, but still in office. If the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary are one, there is no democracy in the country.

There are newspapers in Sri Lanka which are controlled by the Government, so there is no freedom of speech. Hegemony then ensues.

Definition of HEGEMONY

: preponderant influence or authority over others :domination <battled for hegemony in Asia>
: the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group
It is a known fact that the richer you are the more likely you are to be able to survive in a 3rd world country. However, there are those who are born into rich families, like I am, but have had a pretty hard time surviving against the richer who are unscrupulous and unethical because the social system deprives you of your rights. You can then have the support of the "Authorities" who give credence to you because of your wealth, and the atrocities that follow because your money causes corruption. The recipient of this, is forced to migrate.  There are generations of politicians from father to son, and no matter whether you qualify or not, the reactions cater to the hoi polloi, so you learn from the rabble, not from the statesman either, because no example is set by the latter except for corruption and revenge.

You may add greed for oil as being another reason, and there would be a myriad of reasons given by the ruling faction, through which you have to choose the most appropriate for your method of thinking. and under this threat, many Arabs, the Sunni, left their country and fled to others.

You may find that the biggest offenders are those who voice "Religious beliefs", which is no reason at all because the warping of a religion goes against its principle of peace and equity, none of which are practiced by those who denigrate one for the benefit of another or a discipline where one is subjugated for the male in society;  "religion has been used in most Muslim countries not to liberate but to entrench inequality."
Read more:,8599,185647,00.html#ixzz2UfieD2Np, or,,8599,185647,00.html 

Sadly, even the foundations of Christianity therefore lie in the same subjugation and nowhere in the Bible is a description given to a female leader who brought about a change in religion, though there are several women who did bring about world change and beliefs.You find instead Religious leaders who condemn even the women as pastors! You get jokes about women bringing down politically powerful men, You get Agora who redefined the world as flat and was instead branded a witch because of christian beliefs. but not one woman is given precedence in the bible for having brought about a revolution in thinking about the Bible itself.

There are the Arabs who are fighting for their rights to break away from the barbaric and ritualistic leaders who have modified the Q'ran for their end gains, who read the book and not between the lines, where do they flee? They are already kept in custody and there is no intervention from outside. If the outsiders use interference,  then there may be some success, otherwise, they are doomed to death.

And how can one then just disappear? Where then can one Flee?

Definition of HOI POLLOI

: the general populace : masses

Examples of HOI POLLOI

  1. <I pay no attention to the opinions of the hoi polloi, the writer sniffed>

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A method of overcoming alone-ness

Hate the word loneliness. That means you are without people and you need people to support you, make you happy. People are always trying to pair you off with some person who is several years older than you, and you do not like the sight of dentures besides your own on your bedside table. You like younger men, not because of any of their sexuality, but they do bathe more often just to impress you, and the old ones smell of old  shirts, and unwashed dentures, and at least, the better ones of toothpaste, with dribbles on their chin. We all must get old, and our aging lines and sinking chests with our half bloated or more bloated stomachs which will prevent actively kissing anyone unless they are held up in the air, like your grand children, who may or may not like you, and scream and shout with terror because they have always seen you without your glasses and you had forgotten to take them off when you put down the paper on an unexpected visit from the daughter and her brood.

The young bucks may be after your money, but you are quite safe because you do not have sufficient greenbacks to go around the table even as paper napkins. You do like people most often, but then you would like to call on them at leisure. And the young ones are so miseraby untaifhful, it is really not worth your spending your creative time who will probably put you in hospital with an uknown disease which he has carted off every other pothole in town. So you make friends of the bats who sail around the neighbourhood and land on your dining table wanting food. So you make yourself a video clip which keeps you entertained, and patient. People seem to be busy doing things all the time, and they expect you now to call on them before you even visit them, so you sit back and idle because you really do not want to feel unwelcome by giving them an unexpected phone call and have them say, "I was just going out", or "can I call you back" because something has really come up, and you are not the excuse for their saying so, but they are too busy to even tell you that. Then we get some nice little planet coming out of the woodwork, so that gives you the opportunity of talking about our creator bunging up the works with his magnificence and showing the world that he exists and you exist too :0

Now what I do, is do everything, from an occasional wipe of the cupboard, the top of the stove to the drifting cobweb that catches my eye. Then I sit at my computer and have a natter with a new buddy who is on line, and she has to be interesting because you really do not want to run out of conversation and say you have to go because your bladder calls in the midst of a conversation and you have a raucous laugh which turns into a cough and you do not want them to know that the laughter was issuing from any other end of your anatomy because sounds are picked up on skype like a megaphone when that happens. you then end the conversation at about midnight which gives you sufficient time to sleep and wake up refreshed for another day of doing your own thing.

I have plenty to do, I make music, I read, I write, I curse, I teach English, and I would love to go out dancing, but there is nobody to take me out. On the 31st of December 2012, I had a very rare and nice episode of being invited out to air my music as back up music at a dance where the singers were kind enough to play my songs and that was a blessing, my first public exposure due to a nice band leader who was confident enough to play my music without fear of competition. May be the last, but it was a nice experience and the start of a fabulous new year. Or so I thought, in January, some turdy police officers in Sri Lanka decided that they would get their new year gifts by getting a bribe for not giving me my first ticket ticket for driving and allegedly crossing a yellow pedestrian crossing, so I look for a nice message on youtube and voila! Chris Rea in the flesh to provide me with music for just what I had in mind, "Roads to hell!" His was a prophecy and mine is practical

Hopefully have finished the doldrums of the previous year, what with companies like Associated Motorways who lugged me with a fat ugly bill for unnecessary repairs just before Christmas. Watch out for Christmas targets, they are marauding demons from hell trying to get their year end targets and they do not care about how it costs because once the car is disassembled and disemboweled  they do not care about the discomfort that they may have made you disgustingly feel. All they want is your double indemnity.  Your dissatisfaction is only dignified by the dearly beloved donor who is your double older brother.

I also create pages which take up a lot of seated time, like an instrumentalist page to promote the music of the backers to singers and who are not noticed. Then I give tips and tricks to over 6000 kids on face book, and am now said to be creating a pack of "takers!" who want everything free! Oooh All altruism goes out of the window with that one. It is always a catch 22. Its like eating all the peachiest peaches and not having a preacher pray over it with words of praise! There will always be someone who does not like peaches, and there are plenty of people who do not like old people too. I made a beautiful video clip about old people. Guess what, only 38 likes. Some moron makes a three chord song and is number one on youtube with 17 million likes. It seems as if people do not like real true songs anymore. They want sounds, and are not happy with the screeches and wheels scraping the tarmac outside your fully shut window, they create it and they market it too, and people buy their "music". Sad!

Oh well, other than being broke, I am also having a couple of good friends like Carole Dorris in the USA, Cindy Bradford in Australia  and Hussain Abdullah who is in Jordon, who says he is my partner because he is glorious high and gay and does not want to be bothered by women, so he trades me off as his love, when I could in reality be his mother and twice over, but it seems he is saved and protected. His favorite picture of me is on my sunny couch  in Kandy, with my eyes closed and enjoying the suns rays pouring in through the semi curtained at flood level, french windows. All home made stuff. And yes, I am also building a quartz cottage in Kandy and being cheated left right and centre by the workmen who know that my kindness is a weakness unless I show them with receipts and the police tell them politely that if I wasn't there and a lady, they would hit the man for being such a creep! Old age has its advantages, you look like a sweet old Mrs Marple who is on the ball. Tolerate so much, then let it fly and when you do so, make sure that you connect with the most fragile in their anatomy! Now I would do that for the load of misery in Saudi Arabia who are beheading sri Lankan maids  for their allegedly choking a child on milk. Where is the cow of a woman, a mother who did not have an atom of mother's milk to leave a child in the care of a strange woman to feed her child! So you make a song to show your disapproval of the rubbish that exists in other countries. There is plenty to keep yourself occupied, the main thing is to do so. Social causes are plenty to prevent you from feeling alone! The whole world surrounds you with social causes!