The following is the code generated to create a new tune widget for some music on a good website which provides downloads, a free DJ and you can create your own playlists, the problem is that one never knows where to post them on your own "wall" unless you are a computer programmer and creating your own web page. The reason for the latter is that you are on the poor side of nowhere and your daughter or cousin has given you their cast off machines, which seem to work wonders when they become yours. Take camera's from ex husbands for example, they work perfectly in your hands, and you are creating almost everything from video clips to fancy photography, though he complains that his photographs and movies via the "Canon" were pink and grey, while yours are all green and blue because your pics are mainly of country and people and animals and nice things, while his are all night clubs and gorgeous two legged creatures. It's no wonder their cameras never work!. The pics they take literally crack the lens (Hoot!). So now, you can take this code and if you are good enough, you will have a free DJ for your parties with downloads with which you can then create your own playlists. Good luck.. Its an introduction to 2.4 million new artists, composers and lyricists who rank number 1 in the world and are not known elsewhere on the web.
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